
Posts tagged Jeff Koons

Exhibitions / News

DESTE Foundation: Jeff Koons: Apollo

The DESTE Foundation is pleased to present Jeff Koons: Apollo, a solo exhibition on view at DESTE’s Project Space at the old Slaughterhouse in Hydra from June 21 to October 31, 2022. The exhibition is an installation presenting new sculptures by Jeff Koons along with readymade objects selected by the artist to engage the viewer in a metaphysical dialogue between the contemporary and ancient. The show marks over twenty years since Jeff Koons’s last solo exhibition in Greece.

At the center of the installation, within the Slaughterhouse, is the sculpture Apollo Kithara (2019–2022). The Apollo is playing a kithara, which is considered the origin of today’s guitar. The polychromed animatronic sculpture stands over 2.3 meters tall. The walls within the Slaughterhouse have been transformed by using as the base the ancient frescoes from Boscoreale, near Pompeii. The exhibition includes several other new works including a pair of bronze Nike sneakers, Gazing Ball Tripod (2020–2022), and Plato’s Solid Forms Wind Spinners (2020–2022). There are other elements that are corresponding to this installation, ranging from burning candles to a Duchampian reference of a urinal. Above the Slaughterhouse is Apollo Wind Spinner (2020–2022), a 9.1 meter (30-foot) wide reflective wind spinner that greets people entering the port of Hydra on one side and, on the other, welcomes people walking to the building housing the installation. The face of the wind spinner is that of Apollo.

The exhibition activates the senses through music, sage burning, and baked offerings reminiscent of ancient times. With the sounds of the ancient kithara playing alongside contemporary songs, the two musical formats are at times disjointed and at other moments find sublime beauty. The overall exhibition is metaphysical and celebrates human history and aspiration.

Mon. – Sun.
11–13:00 & 19–22:00
Tuesday Closed



Jeff Koons, A Retrospective / A Curator’s interview

Ex_pose: Jeff Koons: A Retrospective / Guggenheim Bilbao

15. Koons_GazingBall Ariadne
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The Guggenheim Museum hosts the biggest retrospective to date of the celebrated contemporary artist Jeff Koons. This exhibition, comprising one hundred pieces, ends up in the Biscay capital following an international tour that has taken it to the Whitney Museum in New York and the Pompidou Centre in Paris.

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